<aside> 📖 The Editor in Renderpub Studio is your Creation suite. Any sort of creation including but not limited to lighting, texturing and building & composing your scene will be possible in the Editor.



Default Editor UI in Renderpub Studio

1. Tool bar

The Tool bar, located in the top-left corner of the application, contains the File, Edit, View, and Help menus. These menus provide various options and functionalities for managing and customizing your workspace.

2. Title bar

The Title bar, situated below the Tool bar, allows you to switch between the Editor and Exporter modes. This feature provides flexibility in working with your project and exporting it in different formats.

3. Viewport

The Viewport is the main area where you can see and interact with the contents of your scene. It provides a visual representation of your project, allowing you to navigate, manipulate, and preview your designs.

4. Tools and System/Left bar

The Tools and System/Left bar, located on the left side of the application, contains a wide range of mode-specific tools and systems. These tools and systems are designed to assist you in creating your scene effectively. From scatter tools to object manipulation and dynamic sky and weather systems, you can find everything you need to bring your ideas to life.